radio on graphic background
radio on graphic background


The creativity is relentless, my brain is restless, and I cannot seem to stop acquiring more skills. This new venture brings the element of time into my own trifecta of graphic design, fine arts, and poetic writing. In the past few years I have begun to read at live spoken word performances. Pandemic time is not allowing such gatherings for awhile, and so this seems to be taking its place.

I am learning Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects at this time. I see these projects evolving going forward, both the lyric-poetry videos and the visual arts presentations. Later this year I will begin incorporating actual video, motion graphics, and/or layers of sound, including musical elements, into my videos.

artist video cover page

PDXOS Artist Intro Video

This is my very first video, recently created for the 2020 Portland Open Studios Online Virtual Edition.

Assembled in Premiere Rush, much of it while under the duress of a wildfire evacuation, I was limited to still images because of it being pandemic time. And yet... While not as smooth as I would have liked it to be, it's a good start to a whole new venture.

still image from poetry video

13 Days Into Spring

A lyric poem video sort of thing... A spoken word video created with still images based on my own artwork and photography, clip art, a few random public domain images, and graphics created in Photoshop.

still image from poetry video


A lyric poem video sort of thing... A spoken word video created with still images based on my own artwork and photography, clip art, a few random public domain images, and graphics created in Photoshop.